Our ‘Belief ’ Makes Us Stronger, More Resilient

The single word “belief” is the sharp sword with which one confronts and overcomes fundamental darkness or ignorance. The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, pp. 119–20

—Prepared by the SGI-USA Study Department

Buddhism is about winning,”1 Ikeda Sensei repeatedly affirms. Winning in Nichiren Buddhism means triumphing over the negativity and ignorance in our own and others’ lives. Each time we use our Buddhist practice to win over our resentment, doubts, fears, lack of confidence and more, we become stronger and more resilient. And our victories become even more worthwhile when we help others apply Buddhism to win in their lives, too.

Of course, we may not always believe that we can win. But that’s why we chant. Chanting Nam-myohorenge-kyo is the source of limitless wisdom and courage for triumphing over what Buddhism terms fundamental darkness or ignorance.

We can describe fundamental ignorance in many ways. In brief, it is disbelief in our Buddha nature and the supreme dignity of all life. This root of suffering often manifests as greed, anger and foolishness, leading to things like discrimination, antagonism and even war.

When we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the Mystic Law, we bring forth the power to transform fundamental ignorance into the fuel for strengthening our lives.

Second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda urges: “You have to decide that your life itself is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!”2 Chanting with this attitude is the “sharp sword” of faith needed to win resounding victories over any beliefs that hold us back.





The World Tribune