Pulling Forth Strength From Within

by Sam Lashinsky • Los Angeles

After months of mental anguish, I ended up reaching out to a co-worker who I knew practiced Buddhism. Even though I was an anti-religious person at the time, when he explained that Buddhism is about pulling forth strength from within, I felt like I had found a religion for me.

I was introduced to fellow practitioners who treated me like family from the start. I chanted Nam-myohorenge-kyo every day for two months, but then I lapsed. I got lazy and nearly gave up. When I told my co-worker this, he visited me every morning for weeks. I’m so grateful for him. I’m also so grateful for this Buddhist practice, the SGI and Ikeda Sensei.

Since I started this journey, I’ve faced even more hardship in my life. By chanting Nam-myohorenge-kyo, I’ve been able to overcome this hardship and prosper. My mind feels reinforced, ready to take on any challenge that comes my way. I see my shortcomings and my struggles as opportunities to grow and learn, improving my life condition overall. I want to learn more about Sensei, as I relate to his experiences as a young man so deeply. For anyone who is just starting out, I recommend going to an inperson meeting. The value it can bring to your life is immense.





The World Tribune